A Traveler’s Promise

As I sit here listening to The Piano Guys, scottish rendition of This is Your Fight Song, I think back to the experiences I’ve had while traveling. I’m still struck by how lucky that I ‘am to travel the world and have the experiences that I have had. As travelers we are members of a global society, and that puts us in unique positions. We have the ability to change perspectives, we have the chance to break down barriers, and grow culturally. We have the power to change opinions and break down stereotypes. We can participate in changing the world, and make a difference in someone’s life.

Traveling is such a personal experience and oftentimes a life-changing one. It’s inevitable that you will change as a person (hopefully for the best) throughout your travels. As a traveler you see more of the world, which enables you grow as a person. Your eyes open wider to the plights of others and you come home humbled. Throughout these changes I’m making a promise as a traveler that the following will stay with me and not


               A Traveler’s Promise:

  1. I promise to do my research before arriving at my destination
  2. I promise to respect the culture and customs of the countries I visit
  3. I promise to remember that I am the guest when I visit another country
  4. I promise to immerse myself in the culture
  5. I promise to try new foods
  6. I promise to try local drinks
  7. I promise to let my breath be taken away
  8. I promise not to turn my travels into a competition
  9. I promise not to judge others on how they choose to travel
  10. I promise to put the camera down every once in awhile, and just live in the moment
  11. I promise to help others in their travels
  12. I promise to take deep breathes and have patience
  13. I promise not to judge others on how often they return to a country
  14. I promise to do/try something that I am afraid of
  15. I promise to go where my heart takes me, and not where others want me to go.
  16. I promise to participate in responsible tourism
  17. I promise to learn
  18. I promise to be open-minded
  19. I promise to have no regrets
  20. I promise to enjoy the little things

XO Amber


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